Monday, May 04, 2009

Training Tip: Increase Strength & Size With These 4 Key Exercises

Barbell Squats - legs

Deadlift - legs, lower back

Barbell Bent Over Row - mid-section of back

Barbell Bench Press - Chest

To increase muscular strength and/or size, include at least 1 of the exercises pictured above in every strength training session. These essential movements develop primary muscle movers like the Gluteus Maximus, Latissimus Dorsi, and Pectoralis Major, as well as minor muscles such as the Bicep, Tricep and Erector Spinae Group. Exercises that cause movement to occur at more than 1 joint recruit a greater number of muscles than single joint exercises. For example, the dumbbell arm curl affects mostly the bicep, while doing a barbell bent over row works the mid-back, shoulders and biceps. Thus multi-joint exercises do more to increase the body's over-all appearence and strength compared to single joint exercises.

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