Thursday, May 28, 2009

Born Athlete

Experience has taught me that athleticism is largely influenced by genetics. My opinion is based purely on personal observation of myself and the hundreds of children I taught from ages 5-17 during my 6 year period as a physical education teacher. Although a few studies have been done to find conclusive indicators in children to determine their propensity to excel at sports. But the controversy caused by drawing blood and performing biopsies on adolescences limits the depth at which scientists can explore the idea.

Exceptional speed, agility, coordination, eye-hand coordination, balance, strength, flexibility and reflex action are qualities you have to be born with. No amount of coaching will up-grade one's genetic potential. You either have it, or you don't. Average built individuals can make some measurable gains to their performance, but the improvement will be marginal compared to what the physically gifted can do.

My redeeming quality is speed and agility. I have been blessed with a muscular structure predominately composed of fast-twitch muscle fibers (fiber types most responsible for explosive power and muscular size). I started to become comparably conscious of my physical abilities at age 6, when I realized how easily I could change direction and quickly sprint to another point to avoid playmates in games of chase and catch. Inspired by watching Bruce Lee duel Chuck Norris in the coliseum scene from the movie 'Way of The Dragon', I started pursuing martial arts at age 7. At age 10 I discovered the importance of strength, when I went tagging along with my older cousin and his friends to the local gym. Ironically, it was a Gold's Gym. By fifteen I had compiled a laundry list of interests which included football, basketball, soccer, track and field, weight training, taekwondo, volleyball, skiing, baseball, hockey, skating, BMX, skateboarding, swimming, softball and gymnastics. Eventually, I settled into martial arts and boxing as my favorite activities, and I have been lucky enough to experience some success competing in both activities.

But I don't consider myself special, you can find my like at a crowded playground. Just spend an hour watching kids play. Certain youngsters will standout compared to their peers. Individuals that jump higher, cross the monkey-bars quicker and run and dodge better than their counterparts. Everything you are capable of being in a lifetime is genetically decided by age 5. Consequently, it is not unheard of for American amateur and professional basketball scouts to comb intercity basketball courts looking for 8-14 year old kids to become the next Michael Jordan. Signs of skill start to emerge at an early age. Tiger Woods showed an innate ability to play golf at age 4. Wayne Gretzky displayed an unbelievable eye for tracking, and then reacting to a fast moving hockey puck long before he reached his teenage years. He probably could skate before he could walk. Most good athletes have one thing in common, regardless of the sport they play. They showed the ability to athletically achieve as children.

However just possessing natural ability isn't enough to get to the top of a sport. Other influences such as coaching, finance, access to equipment and venues, aptitude and attitude also play an important role. Talent has to be natured to produce competitiveness. But the process begins with being born exceptional. Rarely can a physically average individual soar to the top of a sport. That's why under-dogs that beat the odds are so celebrated by sports fans.

Those that can rise to the top of more than one sport are few and far between. Talent to perform well in one event does not necessarily carry-over to do well in another sport. Even if someone possesses a diverse and abundant amount of talent, it's not practical to train for different sports at the same time. Being the best is a full-time job. It's better obtained when an individual's attention is not divided. Otherwise you have the scenario of being the jack of all trades, but the master of none. Once I started boxing, I put martial arts to the side to focus my attention solely on boxing.

All this to say, 'you are what you are'. You have to play the game of life with the uniform you were issued.


Neither my mother nor my father have an athletic bone in their bodies; go figure.

Monday, May 25, 2009

1 Set Versus Multiple Sets

Are you heavy in the rat race, and wondering how can I possibly squeeze anymore time out of the day to exercise? Simple, do just one set of an exercise to failure to be all that you can be.

As of yet there are no strong scientific studies that indicate performing multiple sets of an exercise increases muscular hypertrophy or strength better than doing a single set of 8-12 repetitions to failure. This holds true whether one is a novice or an experienced weight trainer.

Advocates of multiple set routines might argue that they have personally observed significant increases in their strength and size performing exercises for 3-6 sets, therefore more must be better. But past and present clinical studies continually indicate that performing 1 set of an exercise comparably elicits near-equivalent results to doing multiple sets. Any differences are nominal.

Understandably, it is difficult for most people to wrap their minds around the idea of just performing a single set, especially when they are seeing good results from doing 2 or more sets of an exercise. But as my mother often told me, "if you do it right the first time, you won't have to do it again".

Friday, May 22, 2009

You Get What You Pay For

These treadmills look like they belong in a hamster’s cage. Why is the fitness equipment in most condominium gyms so horrendous? Low grade equipment is fine for someone casually using the device in their home, but it should not be placed in commercial fitness settings or community workout areas. Over-the-shelf fitness equipment is not manufactured with components that can withstand the constant beating that multiple users will inflict upon it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

As Seen On TV

There is no need to provide a long-winded professional critique, when I can sum up the 'Sauna Belt' in two words (it's crap)! Any advertisement for a product that begins with the title of this post should be avoided at all cost, because chances are the product will not work well; or not at all. Legitimate manufactures of health/fitness equipment do not hock their products on late night info-commercials preying on the fears of the disenchanted like some cheap snake oil salesperson.

The Sauna Belt does nothing to burn fat, but instead can burn your skin. The weight loss experienced by using this product is merely a reduction in water through sweating. That means the second you relieve your thirst with a glass of water, you're back to square one.

Don't be a sucker. The models shown on TV didn't get ripped abs and slim midsections by using the Sauna Belt. They are simply paid to sell you dreams.

If you unfortunately purchased one of these dream catchers, I suggest you either throw it away or give it to someone as a gag gift.

Nothing worth while comes easy... I learned that from a smart woman.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Every breath I take, every step I make, I'll be missing you.

I genuinely miss the mega entity of sports in the US in general, but I particularly miss the 'NFL' the most. As a die-hard Dallas Cowboys (aka America's team) fan it is hard for me to maintain my deep animosity and disdain for the Washington Redskins (aka Deadskins) and their misguided derelict fans, when my abusive editorials and gestures go unheard and unseen.

Basketball runs a very close second to football. I miss the drama of college hoops during 'March Madness' and the excitement of the 'NBA' play-offs.

I will never take designer discount department stores for granted ever again. The price of Under Armour and Nike Dri-Fit anything costs a small fortune in Malaysia.

Malaysia does not have a nation-wide debit/credit card system, which means I have to carry cash with me at all times. I miss this little convenient gem.

I absolutely miss American beef. I would kill for a Philly cheese-steak.

I miss Christmas at home. I also wish the politically correct self-righteous idiots would stop insisting the symbol of Christmas be called a spirit tree.

I miss Mexican food! I have yet to find a suitable substitute for my beloved chicken burrito from Chipotle.

Don't get me wrong warm tropical weather gels with me very well, but it would be nice to throw on a hoodie, lace up the Timberland's and stroll through some snow covered woods every once in a while.

More than anything, I miss my family and friends. If there is one of you I didn't say "I love you" to before I left for Malaysia, I'm saying it now.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pain in the ass

The 5 sets of heavy squats I performed two days ago are giving me residual attitude. Sitting for more than 5 minutes results in spontaneous Rigor Mortis. Luckily I have the VibroGym (vibration platform) to jump start the blood circulation in my rump-shaker.

I just returned from a stroll up to KLCC from City Square and discovered that stepping up to curbs, scaling small flights of steps, sudden changes in direction and maneuvering across uneven pavement are now monumental geriatric tasks for me.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Danger: Beer Hurts

Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, parties & local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink by any woman.

Many females use a date-rape-drug on the market called ' Beer' .

The drug is found in liquid form and is available anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, or from taps and in large kegs.

Beer is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and sleep with them.

A woman needs only to get a guy to consume a few units of Beer and then simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex.

Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several Beers , men will often succumb to the desires to sleep with horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted.

After drinking Beer , men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that 'something bad' occurred.

At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life's savings, in a familiar scam known as 'a relationship'. In extreme cases, the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer-term form of servitude and punishment referred to as 'marriage'.

Men are much more susceptible to this scam after Beer is administered and sex is offered by the predatory females.

Please forward this warning to every male you know.

If you fall victim to this ' Beer' scam and the women administering it, there are male support groups where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter with similarly victimized men.

For the support group nearest you, just look up 'Golf Courses' in the phone book.

For a video to see how Beer works click below:


In between my posts of useless rants, I like to occasionally dispense some helpful and relevant information. This might be such an occasion.

'SMAART' is an acronym for six principles for effective goal setting. Applying these strategies is key to bringing ideal visions about the condition of one's body into reality.

  • S - Specific goals addresses primary concerns about how one wants to look and feel.

  • M - Measurable goals indicate whether or not a training program is effectively moving towards one's desired outcome.

  • A - Aggressive goals generally elicit a greater effort put forth, as compared to the effort given when goals are easily obtainable.

  • A - Approach should be a desired means to an end. Find motivating factors that help you adopt a I-Can-Do attitude.

  • R - Relevant goals maintain focus and assures that the various components of your training regime significantly contribute to your desired outcomes.

  • T - Time-bound long-term, short-term goals raises confidence, encourages progress and helps one adhere to a path towards success.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The gym is my sanctuary, intrusions are met with contempt. Don't get me wrong, I'm not adverse to extending a friendly smile or fielding a passing comment. But I am utterly annoyed when someone attempts to jump-start a long winded conversation with me, in spite of the fact that it should be clear to their eyes and ears that my body language and lack of speech is saying I want to be left alone.

I prefer my 60-minute training sessions to be mostly devoid of social interaction, and primarily focused on myself while on or off task. Unless some one's training goals are the same as mine, anything they say or do is in the way of my progress. For this reason I rarely train with a partner, and it is neither motivational or helpful for me to do so. The what, when and how of my training is personally driven from within.

So 'bugga-boos' drink-up; it's on me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Travel Advisory

Unless the sight of nude overweight men on the wrong side of 40 working-out turns you on, I suggest you skip visiting the Fitworld fitness center in the Netherlands. I wonder if those are the club's towels they have their sweaty asses parked on? It must be hell cleaning the skid marks.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

As two friends wandered through the snow on their way home, Piglet grinned to himself, thinking how lucky he was to have a friend like Pooh.

Pooh thought to himself:
"If the pig sneezes, he's fucken dead.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Advanced Training

Break Down Technique:

This mode of training can elicit serious strength gains and help smash through plateaus. However the means of training places high demands on the neurological, muscular and skeletal systems which makes it inappropriate for beginning weight trainers (you have been warned).

Break down training allows practitioners to push a muscle past monetary muscle failure and recruit additional fibers. The effect is an increase in muscular hypertrophy and strength. Caution should be taken to use the technique intermittently to avoid over-training and injury.

Perform the technique as follows:

When muscle failure occurs, immediately decrease the resistance in incremental amounts. The key is to lower the weight to allow for 4-8 more repetitions to be performed past the initial set to failure. Reduction in weight is dependant on an individuals' level of fitness and concentration under stress. Remember form counts. It is better to complete 4 picture perfect repetitions, than 8 contorted repetitions.

General Guide: Recovery/Weight Reduction

  • 5-10 seconds/30-40%
  • 10-20 seconds/20-30%
  • 20-30 seconds/10-20%
  • 40-60 seconds/5-10%

Fitness Tip: When to adjust the weight?

Let me begin by saying that you never sacrifice form for more weight or repetitions. But in general once the objected number of repetitions is completed with good form, one can increase the amount of load by 2-5%. On the flip side, struggling on the first set of an exercise indicates the amount weight being used should be decreased.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Training Tip: Increase Strength & Size With These 4 Key Exercises

Barbell Squats - legs

Deadlift - legs, lower back

Barbell Bent Over Row - mid-section of back

Barbell Bench Press - Chest

To increase muscular strength and/or size, include at least 1 of the exercises pictured above in every strength training session. These essential movements develop primary muscle movers like the Gluteus Maximus, Latissimus Dorsi, and Pectoralis Major, as well as minor muscles such as the Bicep, Tricep and Erector Spinae Group. Exercises that cause movement to occur at more than 1 joint recruit a greater number of muscles than single joint exercises. For example, the dumbbell arm curl affects mostly the bicep, while doing a barbell bent over row works the mid-back, shoulders and biceps. Thus multi-joint exercises do more to increase the body's over-all appearence and strength compared to single joint exercises.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Did you really think Ricky Hatton was going to win?

Ricky "Hitman" Hatton getting treated like a crash test dummy by Manny Pacquiao in route to an easy predictable victory.

The economic crunch just got worst for anyone unfortunate to have bet the barn on Ricky Hatton upsetting Manny Pacquiao. Like the Hatton vs. Mayweather Jr. scenario, once again Hatton was chin-checked and wobbled by the pinpoint accurate punches of a skilled boxing technician (aka Pacman). Manny wasted no time slicing, dicing and dispensing Hatton in just 2 rounds. Everyone knows a bar room brawler will hardly ever beat a boxer. With this said, Hatton is lucky to have gotten as far as he has in professional boxing. I credit his over-achievement to his good conditioning, courage and tenacity. But his predictable movement, rigid boxing style and apparent inability to learn from his mistakes are liabilities. Unless Ricky learns why boxing is called the 'sweet science' he will always be Briton's scrappy under-dog that tried hard, but could never win the big one.

Pacman's right hook sending Hatton's consciousness on a vacation.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Good morning Brett, did my menacing stare finally pierce your sub-conscious slumber? You seem frightened by my extended paw with its guillotine claws being so close to your face. I know it is a bit uncivilized, but I find the threat of violence can be very persuasive. It's nearly 10:00 A.M. and the breakfast hour is well on its way, yet my food dish remains empty. I suggest you get up. I'm starting to lose my patience.