Friday, December 08, 2006

Again, Again & Again - Now Start Over

Beginning practitioners of the martial arts and boxing often ask me, "how often should I practice?" I in turn answer them with a question, how good do you want to be?

It has been said that, "a technique is not yours until you have practiced it ten thousand times correctly." Repetition is the tool of permanent impression. One of the training goals for any fighter should be to practice the physical skills of their craft with such frequency and attention to proper form that they no longer have to think about how, when, why and where. In other words, the aim is to rise to a level of proficiency that the execution of kicks, blocks, punches, and footwork become so fluent and effortless, one does not have to give any more conscious consideration to them then they would breathing. To develop this level of skill takes a great deal of time, devotion, and hard work. Any competitor wishing to reach the echelon of their sport must be willing to commit their mind, body and soul toward his/her goals every day, and by virtue of the process they will be rewarded. For it is the pursuit of goals that gives meaning to achievement in the ring and life in general.

Now go back, and read this post again!

1 comment:

Elina said...

This is probably true of every single venture one wants to excel in.