Sunday, February 07, 2010

The average person passes gas about 14 or more times per day. Yes you do; denial won’t change this fact. The unpleasant odor of flatulence comes from the abundance of bacteria in the large intestine that release gases containing sulfur.

Most foods containing carbohydrates can cause gas, in comparison proteins and fats cause less gas. Foods that notoriously produce the most pungent odor contain one of the following sugars: raffinose, lactose, fructose, and sorbitol.

  • Raffinose - beans, cabbage, brussels sprouts, asparagus, other vegetables, and whole grains.

  • Lactose - milk, milk products such as cheese and icecream, and also processed foods like bread, cereal, and salad dressings.

  • Fructose - onions, artichokes, pears, wheat, and fruit drinks.

  • Sorbitol - used as a bulk sweetener in bakery goods, sugar-free chewing gum, and diabetic products.

Each person's digestive system is unique, so the amount of gas produced from ingesting certain foods differs from one individual to another. It's a matter of trial an error discovering what particular foods, and in what quantities creates the greatest social ill.

1 comment:

Sean Dahl said...

I will be sure to stay away from these, before doing Yoga. Nothing sucks worse than going into Downward Facing Dog and letting one go.