Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010, is a new year and a new decade; but not really. At the stroke of midnight the date on the calendar will change, but most people will not to any great extent. The world is full of monotonous un-kept promises of redemption and self-resurrection like indecipherable intentions echoing off canyon walls of excuses, until they abruptly return to sender. Rarely is a New Year’s resolution followed by significant actions that develop the thought into something meaningful. Why? It would be easy to reason that some people are just lazy or incompetent. But I believe most people are at least of average intelligence, which is enough to recognize the correlation between effort and reward. Perhaps physics holds the answer. For every action there is a reaction; a great number of us live our lives in the later part of this statement. Meaning someone allows themselves to be acted on, rather than take the lead for the outcomes in their life. Fortune or misfortune merely becomes a circumstance of chance.

I don’t believe in luck. Success is achieved when determination and thorough preparation meet opportunity. It’s about the will to breakthrough to the other side, and having the indomitable spirit to stay the course. You should be willing to suffer for what you desire; loss and gain go hand in hand. That is the price of ambition.

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