Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lat Pulldown

Ask any trainer working in any fitness club around the world, and they will tell you that the lat pulldown exercise is the most abused exercise. To correct this gross trend, I will try to shed some light on the do's and don't of performing this movement.

Exercise: Lat Pulldown

Primary Muscle Mover: Latissimus Dorsi
Isolated Function
· Concentrically accelerates shoulder extension, adduction and internal rotation
· Bilaterally creates spinal rotation


· When the lat pulldown excise is performed correctly, it is a very safe and effective way to develop the strength and muscularity of the Latissumus Dorsi, the v-shaped muscles of the back. However, it is most advisable not to perform lat pulldowns behind the head – pulldowns should stay in front of the face. There is an inherent risk of shoulder injury as a result of performing behind the head lat pulldowns for prolonged periods

· Other potential risks occuring during the return phase of the exercise (eccentric movement) include muscle tear injuries or overstretching of the muscles, tendons and ligaments caused by excessive momentum and lack of control.

· Lastly, many practitioners of this exercise excessively internally rotate their shoulders (slap down on the bar) at the bottom phase (concentric movement) of the exercise. Once again this can cause possible shoulder injuries.

How To Perform This Exercise Correctly

1. Grab the bar overhead, placing your hands slightly beyond your shoulder’s width.

2. Then sit at the machine with the lap pads firmly keeping you in place. Pull the bar down being sure to keep your elbows pointing downward throughout the entire movement of the exercise.

3. Squeeze your shoulder blades, push your chest out and pause at the bottom portion of the execise.

4. Then with control, slowly return the bar to the upward position while making sure not to overextend the shoulders at the very top of the movement.

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