Friday, January 07, 2011

I hate Doing Cardio Exercise

Because I'm in the fitness industry, people might think I enjoy all aspects of training; not. I hate doing cardiovascular training. Repetitive moments over long periods of time bore me to tears.

I have a 20-minute tolerance level for using any cardio machine, no matter how many bells and whistles a manufacture supplies it with. Jogging is my least favorite exercise of all. Although I have done it, I have never felt the runner's high some people claim to get from the activity.

I need constant change while I'm exercising, or else I become disinterested with the task very quickly. I often pair groups of cardiovascular exercises together, so that I'm not doing any particular movement for longer than I can stand. Here is a routine I devised specifically for myself to improve my boxing, which involves alternating between walking on the treadmill and jumping rope.

Warm Up
walking on the treadmill - 5-minutes, 5.5 mph, incline 3 (I keep the treadmill running at this speed and grade throughout intervals 1 - 9)

interval 1
jump rope - 300 speed skips, last 10 reps (double turn)
treadmill - walk recovery for 1-minute

interval 2
jump rope - 300 speed skips, last 10 reps (double turn)
treadmill - walk recovery for 1-minute

interval 3
jump rope - 300 speed skips, last 10 reps (double turn)
treadmill - walk recovery for 1-minute

interval 4
jump rope - 300 speed skips, last 10 reps (double turn)
treadmill - walk recovery for 1-minute

interval 5
jump rope - 300 speed skips, last 10 reps (double turn)
treadmill - walk recovery for 1-minute

interval 6
treadmill - lateral shuffle and jab, right foot forward (1-minute)
treadmill - walk recovery 30 seconds

interval 7
treadmill - lateral shuffle and jab, left foot forward (1-minute)
treadmill - walk recovery 30 seconds

interval 8
treadmill - walk backwards (1-minute)
treadmill - walk recovery 30 seconds

interval 9
treadmill - freestyle shadow boxing combined with freestyle footwork (5-minutes) high risk!
treadmill - walk recovery 5 - 10 minutes

interval 10 (optional)
5 x 3-minute rounds on heavy bag, 30 seconds rest between rounds
5 x 3-minute rounds shadowboxing with 2.5 lb weights, 30 seconds rest between rounds

As I previously stated, I designed this exercise routine specifically for myself. The exercises and training variables reflect my own personal goals and fitness level. I am not advocating that any persons should follow this regiment in part or in whole. This post is merely a written description of my thought process on how I perform my cardiovascular training.

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