Friday, May 21, 2010

Mom, you don't understand. I need this!

When I was a kid solidifying your street credibility on the block meant coveting the toys that were a ‘must have’. I don’t know one person growing up that didn’t believe at some point that if they didn’t get a particular toy on their birthday or Christmas their life would come to a screeching halt. When your friends swing by the house to ask you, “Did you get it”? You gotta be able to say, "You know it”!

Here are 5 toys that were a ‘must have’ when I was growing up:

'The Big Wheel' is an urban legend amongst inner city kids. When you get too big to sit and pedal; you take the back rest off, and then place one foot on the seat and kick-start it like a skateboard.

The 'Atari 2600' is the game console that made it possible for all others that followed. I have a permanent scar on my right thumb from working the joystick controller.

I use to relive all of 'Evel Knievel's' miscalculated bone braking stunts with this doll and cycle combo. I went as far as to gouge the doll with a thumb tack, and then color the area I dug into with a red marker to simulate the blood.

Who didn't like the idea of being Steve Austin ' The Six Million Dollar Bionic Man'. I use to think the glass eye was cool. But now it just looks like he was injured in a paper clip fight.

This is the very first handheld 'electronic football' game (American football), and the one item on this list that I never got. But later on other manufactures came up with better versions. On my 12th birthday I got Bambino Football & Boxing.

Bambion Boxing

Bambino Football

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