Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am a black U.S. citizen living and working in Malaysia for the past 2½ years. During this time I have noticed that there seems to be an acccepted practice of broadcasting the derogatory word ‘nigger’ both in the cinemas and on regular network television in Malaysia. As a Black man I am highly offended, especially when you consider that Malaysia has a Censorship Board that supposedly protects Malaysians from offensive material.

To the best of my knowledge the Malaysian language does not contain the word nigger. So many Malaysians may be ignorant to the fact that this term is deep rooted in hatred towards people of color. The term was largely manifested by the orchestrators of the American Trans-Atlantic slave trade as a means to describe and demean Black African captives and their descendants. What better way to justify the enslavement of a race, then if you view them as being less than human.

Although the term nigger is freely and casually used by Blacks and heard in popular rap songs and movies, no Malaysian should ever think by any stretch of their imagination that the term is socially acceptable. For some Blacks referencing their own race with the term is a reflection of an ill-forged coping mechanism to minimize and deal with the historical violent attacks on Black psyche. However, the Black community is rarely, if at all accepting of Non-Blacks using the term.

I don’t consider myself a violent person.
But if any Non-Black refers to me as a nigger, I will find cause to kick their ass into oblivion.

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