Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cheap Tricks

The worldwide economic crunch has many hesitant to spend their C.R.E.A.M. (cash-rules- everything-around-me) on items and services outside of what's necessary to work and live. Understandably dropping a bomb joining an exclusive fitness club or buying the latest fitness gadget might not be in the budget at the moment. However living well and staying fit is more about attitude; not where you do it or what you do it with. Most people don't realize the number of everyday items lying around their house and that exist in their neighborhood that can be used to chisel a million dollar body for free or little money.

Find some big rocks in a variety of sizes and you have got yourself a complete weight training set compliments of Mother Nature. Then use them to squat, dead lift, press and throw across the yard.

Fill two buckets with water, and then take a 100 yard walk.

Use bricks to perform shoulder presses, arm curls, lateral raises or walk/jog with one in each hand

To work the core swing the sledge hammer for 2-3 sets/10-15 times on both your right and left side.

Take a strong sack or duffel bag and fill it with sand, and then press, pull, drag, and slam it to exercise the entire body. You can fill several bags with different amounts of sand to accommodate a wide range of exercises.

Get a used tire, and then flip it across the yard or take a sledge hammer and whack it.

Face the fact that you have no intentions of finishing that home project you started 5 years ago. Use those wood planks and 2x4 's to perform balance and core drills.

Bean bag chairs and big fluffy pillows are great for doing squats and ab crunches on. You will work 20-30% harder than you would have performing them from the floor.

See this hill? Stop looking at it and go find one like it in your neighborhood, and then walk, run or skip your way to the top. Come back down and do it again.

Feel the burn as you make your way up and down the steps in your house.

Do pull-ups from a tree. Or tie a couple pieces of strong rope around a sturdy branch to perform back and rope climbing exercises.


Arion Caesar said...

Well big cuz, it's good to know that, I was on to something when I started tossing my weights across the grass in front of Nank's house, to improve on my throwing arm lol... It's Arion. I finally found your blog page. Here's my email address in case u don't have it , miss you big cuz, hope to hear from you soon. Peace...

B-Flx said...

Hey lil'cuz,

I will send you an email to catch-up with you.