Monday, March 23, 2009

Time is relative...

Worst excuse for not exercising has got to be “I don’t have time”. If the 168 hours that occur each week are insufficient to fit in 30 minutes of exercise per day, then perhaps such strapped for time persons would be more agreeable to spending 6-8 weeks recovering from a heart attack. One could realistically lose 12-16 pounds in the same amount of time with regular exercise and a sensible diet to dramatically decrease the chances of having a heart attack all together. Couple this thought with the ironic fact that an important part of recovering from a heart attack is to begin exercising. Oops, I forgot that you don’t have time to exercise.


J.E. Pense said...

i don't have time to train harder! can you please write any article on that?

B-Flx said...

J.E. Pense,

The answer is yes I can, and I will.

It is possible to get more done in 30 minutes, than some people accomplish in 2 hours at the gym.