Saturday, August 04, 2007

Abs, Butt & Thighs

Penulis/Written by: Asma Fadila Habib
Dengan Kerjasama/Technical Support: Brett M. Crosby - Sr. Fitness Consultant, Gold's Gym, KL
Peragawati/Model: Amutha Sundarajah - Aerobic Coordinator, Gold's Gym, KL
Mei 2007 Nona/May 2007 Nona

Exercise Routine:

  1. Prone Plank - hold for 20 seconds
  2. Side Plank - hold for 20 seconds on each side
  3. Crunch w/Leg Crossed - 15 repetitions/2 sets
  4. Oblique Crunch w/Leg Press - 15 repetitions on each side/2 sets
  5. Dumbbell Squat - 15 repetitions/2 sets
  6. Dumbbell Curtsey Squat - 15 repetitions/2 sets
  7. Dumbbell Sumo Squat - 15 repetitions/2 sets


Elina said...


Anonymous said...

Good stuff. I see that you feature the TRX system, the guy in the pics--Fraser Quelch, is their education director, we are in the same program for functional biomechanics (Gary Gray's year long program). shoot me an e-mail at and I can put you in touch with him if you want to use it and feature it for your MA training.

hope things are treating you well in Malaysia, Boston is pretty chill, Mon, Ginger and I have been enjoying the summer together

all the best
