Monday, November 16, 2009

Power Plate Training

I and other interested parties were invited this past weekend to participate in a Power Plate - Fitness & Performance Level I Academy (Core Fundamentals) workshop sponsored by F1 Recreation and hosted by Croyez Studio in Singapore.

Essentially the training covered the fundamental use of a Power Plate machine which relies on controlled vibrations to improve various aspects of health that include:

  • Shorter training reduction - 20 minutes as opposed to the typical 60-minute workout

  • Increased muscle strength and power

  • Improved flexibility and range of motion

  • Enhanced neuromuscular function

  • increased blood circulation

  • Aids the reduction of pain

  • Increased bone mineral density

  • Increased levels of key hormones - Testosterone, IGF-I, and Serotonin
  • Recovery regeneration

  • Improved balance and coordination

I have spoken about the benefits of vibration training before, and like before I don't want to mislead anyone into thinking vibration training is a cure all; it's not. However, there are hundreds of arbitrary clinical studies that have been conducted that have proven vibration training can be very effective in improving general health and performance. Vibration training has also been effective in minimizing some of the negative symptoms associated with particular metabolic diseases and physical dysfunctions. Further more, there is no reason for me to misrepresent the truth, because I have no vested interest in the selling or manufacturing of Power Plates or any other brand of vibration machines. My only concern is to educate myself about the most practical, safe and effective training tools on the market for use in my exercise program designs developed for my personal training clients.

Now that I have exempted myself from professional negligence and all other legal liabilities and repercussions, I'll finish talking about the training. There were about 35 persons who participated in the workshop; not all of them were personal trainers. One of the ladies in my training group was in attendance because she wanted to educate herself about Power Plates before deciding whether or not to purchase one (women really are smarter than men). Another unlikely participant in my training group was a IT student. He wanted to know more about the machine because there were several for use at his university. Funny, I don't remember my university being so concerned about my well being and health. The rest of my group included myself, my fitness confidant, Sheri, and one other trainer. Sorry, I am terrible with remembering people's names. I don't know if that is a sign of being self-centered, or lazy.

The course content didn't do much in the way of providing me with information I didn't already know, but the workshop was a great opportunity to mix and mingle with positive like-minded people enthusiastic about exercising. So from that standpoint the trip to Singapore was worthwhile.

The venue for the event was in a fantastic area off of Dempsey Road. I was told that the surrounding buildings and land use to be a military base where Singaporeans went to fulfill their national service duties. Now most of the rustic buildings have been renovated into a ecliptic mix of restaurants, small businesses and community areas.

Now, I am happy to be back home and able to enjoy the comforts of my bed for some much needed rest. Sleep is never forthcoming on these trips.

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